Number of Deloitte employees worldwide by level 2010-2017

Number of Deloitte employees worldwide from 2010 to 2017, by level

The data displays the number of Deloitte employees worldwide from 2010 to 20167, by level. Deloitte employed 43,311 members of staff in administrative roles in 2017.

Deloitte is one of the world's four leading accountancy firms (along with PwC, EY, and KPMG). It is headquartered in New York City. The company's services are audit, consulting, financial advisory, tax, and enterprise risk.

2010 129219 30829 9538
2011 138790 33103 9673
2012 148947 34464 9948
2013 157505 35192 10189
2014 163676 36478 10247
2015 176935 37815 10601
2016 193199 40124 11122
2017 209234 43311 11378