Number of employees of EY worldwide by region 2009-2017

Number of employees of EY worldwide from 2009 to 2017, by region

The data displays the number of employees of EY (Ernst & Young) worldwide from 2009 to 2017, by region. In the fiscal year 2017, EY employed 43,858 people in the Asia Pacific region, up from 40,491 the previous year.

In a ranking of the top consulting firms in the U.S. in 2016, EY (Ernst & Young) ranked seventh with an overall prestige score of 6.2. Attracting and developing new business is the leading business challenge for management consulting firms worldwide.

2009 68732 41487 26851 7371
2010 67771 40318 25628 7247
2011 73136 45010 27125 6570
2012 81022 50256 29294 6653
2013 84224 53835 29893 6856
2014 90564 58411 32051 7266
2015 102176 65457 36116 7701
2016 112871 69718 40491 7720
2017 124296 71489 43858 7927