Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Aboriginal crime and justice in Canada | Distribution of offenders in federal corrections Canada by offense and aboriginal status 2016

Distribution of offenders federal corrections Canada by offense and aboriginal status

Distribution of offenders in federal correctional services in Canada in fiscal year 2016, by category of offense and aboriginal status
Created with Highcharts IMurder IISchedule ISchedule IINon-schedule010203040506070

The data displays the distribution of offenders in federal correctional services in Canada in fiscal year 2016, by category of offense and aboriginal status. In the 2016 fiscal year, 4.3% of aboriginal offenders in federal correctional services in Canada were serving a sentence for a Murder I offense.

Murder I 4.3 5.3
Murder II 13.9 15.3
Schedule I 60.1 45.7
Schedule II 9.9 20.4
Non-schedule 11.8 13.3