Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Aboriginal crime and justice in Canada | Rate of victimization incidents, by Aborginal identity Canada 2014

Rate of victimization incidents Canada 2014, by Aborginal identity

Rate of victimization incidents in Canada in 2014, by Aborginal identity
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14979790907474585855551818151552524747303020203939181866Theft of household propertyPhysical assaultBreak and enterSexual assaultVandalismMotor vehicle/ parts theftRobbery020406080100120

The data displays the rate of victimization incidents in Canada in 2014, by Aboriginal identity. In 2014, 58 Aboriginal people per 1,000 were victims of sexual assault in Canada.

Theft of household property 97 52
Physical assault 90 47
Break and enter 74 30
Sexual assault 58 20
Vandalism 55 39
Motor vehicle/ parts theft 18 18
Robbery 15 6