Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Aboriginal crime and justice in Canada | Number of victimization incidents, by Aborginal identity Canada 2014

Number of victimization incidents Canada 2014, by Aborginal identity

Number of victimization incidents in Canada in 2014, by Aborginal identity
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1488 00088 00056 00056 00028 00028 00021 00021 00016 00016 00014 00014 0005 0005 0001 341 0001 341 000577 000577 000684 000684 000391 000391 000514 000514 000176 000176 000231 000231 000Physical assaultSexual assaultTheft of household propertyBreak and enterVandalismRobberyMotor vehicle/ parts theft0250k500k750k1 000k1 250k1 500k

The data displays the number of victimization incidents in Canada in 2014, by Aboriginal identity. In 2014, 56,000 Aboriginal people were victims of sexual assault in Canada.

Physical assault 88000 1341000
Sexual assault 56000 577000
Theft of household property 28000 684000
Break and enter 21000 391000
Vandalism 16000 514000
Robbery 14000 176000
Motor vehicle/ parts theft 5000 231000