Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Aboriginal crime and justice in Canada | Number of probation and conditional sentences in provincial and territorial corrections Canada 2001-2017

Probation and conditional sentences in provincial-territorial corrections Canada 2017

Number of probation and conditional sentences in provincial and territorial corrections in Canada from fiscal years 2001 to 2017, by Aboriginal identity

The data displays the number of probation and conditional sentences in provincial and territorial correctional services in Canada from fiscal years 2001 to 2017, by Aboriginal identity. In fiscal year 2017, about 20,612 Aboriginal peopled were sentenced to either probation or a conditional sentence in provincial and territorial corrections in Canada.

2000-2001 15452 80194
2001-2002 15062 82233
2002-2003 14302 81949
2003-2004 13906 69430
2004-2005 15646 78336
2005-2006 16457 79384
2006-2007 17021 78194
2007-2008 17306 79084
2008-2009 18630 82747
2009-2010 20761 85256
2010-2011 20765 82351
2011-2012 20802 78974
2012-2013 18485 68433
2013-2014 18297 65074
2014-2015 17670 59412
2015-2016 17553 57220
2016-2017 20612 66434