Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Correctional Services in Canada | Number of statutory releases from federal prisons Canada 2006-2016

Number of statutory releases from federal prisons Canada 2006-2016

Number of statutory releases from federal prisons in Canada in fiscal years 2006 to 2016

The data displays the number of statutory releases from federal prisons in Canada in fiscal years 2006 to 2016. In fiscal year 2016, 5,308 prisoners were released from federal prisons in Canada under statutory release.

2005-2006 5217
2006-2007 5188
2007-2008 5429
2008-2009 5715
2009-2010 5538
2010-2011 5080
2011-2012 5301
2012-2013 5588
2013-2014 5636
2014-2015 5373
2015-2016 5308