Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Correctional Services in Canada | Annual operating expenditures for adult federal, provincial, territorial correctional services Canada fiscal years 2000-2017

Operating expenditures adult federal, provincial, territorial corrections Canada

Total annual operating expenditures for adult federal, provincial and territorial correctional services in Canada in fiscal years 2000 to 2017 (in 1,000 Canadian dollars)

The data displays the total operating expenditures of adult federal, provincial and territorial correctional services in Canada from 2000 to 2017. In the fiscal year 2016-17, roughly 2.45 billion CAD was spent on operating costs for adult correctional services in Canada at the federal, provincial and territorial levels.

2016-2017 2445894
2015-2016 2369076
2014-2015 2212026
2013-2014 2159641
2012-2013 2057391
2011-2012 2021627
2010-2011 1917557
2009-2010 1878204
2008-2009 1784715
2007-2008 1650735
2006-2007 1528091
2005-2006 1448512
2004-2005 1382738
2003-2004 1271792
2002-2003 1295503
2001-2002 1196082
2000-2001 1151004