Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime and punishment around the world | Metropolitan areas - crime in the U.S. by type 2016

Metropolitan areas - crime by type 2016

Number of committed crimes in metropolitan areas in the United States in 2016, by type
Created with Highcharts 5.0.147 049 0147 049 0145 034 5715 034 5711 300 6231 300 6231 159 8831 159 883713 820713 820710 622710 622322 736322 736110 497110 49716 02816 028Property crimeLarceny-theftBurglaryViolent crimeMotor vehicle theftAggravated assaultRobberyRape (revised definition)Murder and nonnegligent, manslaughter0500k1 000k1 500k2 000k2 500k3 000k3 500k4 000k4 500k5 000k5 500k6 000k6 500k7 000k7 5…7 500k

The data displays data on crime in U.S. metropolitan areas by the type of crime committed. In 2016, the FBI estimated 110,497 cases of forcible rape in metropolitan communities.

Property crime 7049014
Larceny-theft 5034571
Burglary 1300623
Violent crime 1159883
Motor vehicle theft 713820
Aggravated assault 710622
Robbery 322736
Rape (revised definition) 110497
Murder and nonnegligent, manslaughter 16028