Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime and punishment around the world | Total cost of violence to the U.S. economy 2010

Total cost of violence to the U.S. economy 2010

Total cost of violence to the U.S. economy in 2010, by static and dynamic indicators (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays total cost of violence to the United States economy in 2010, by static and dynamic indicators. The economic impact of incarceration is estimated to about 41 billion USD in government costs and 71 billion USD through lost productivity.

Assault, lost productivity (dynamic) 178427.1
Incarceration, lost work (dynamic) 71009.66
Police, wages (static) 56394.99
Homicide, lost productivity (dynamic) 48555.81
Incarceration, government costs (static) 41684.1
Assault, medical costs (static) 37976.99
Rape, lost productivity (dynamic) 20498.53
Legal and judicial, government costs (static) 5702.21
Robbery, property damage (static) 489.95
Homicide, medical costs (static) 91.62