Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime and punishment around the world | U.S. crime rate - trend as perceived by the public 1990-2017

U.S. crime rate trend perception from 1990 to 2017

Is there more crime in the U.S. than there was a year ago, or less?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14848489898787717164645252474741416262606053536767686871716767747466666868646463637070707068683333441515252535354141434321212525282821211616141415151515171717171919212118182020191977445588668877101011111111141499888899668888999988669919901992199319961997199820002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120132014201520162017020406080100

The data displays the public perception of the development of crime in the U.S. In 2017, about 68% of the Americans felt there is more crime now in the United States than there was a year ago.

1990 84 3 7
1992 89 3 4
1993 87 4 5
1996 71 15 8
1997 64 25 6
1998 52 35 8
2000 47 41 7
2001 41 43 10
2002 62 21 11
2003 60 25 11
2004 53 28 14
2005 67 21 9
2006 68 16 8
2007 71 14 8
2008 67 15 9
2009 74 15 6
2010 66 17 8
2011 68 17 8
2013 64 19 9
2014 63 21 9
2015 70 18 8
2016 70 20 6
2017 68 19 9