Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime and punishment around the world | U.S. public assessment of crime as a serious issue 2017

Public assessment of crime as a serious issue in the United States 2000-2017

Percentage of the U.S. population that assesses crime as a serious problem from 2000 to 2017, nationwide and local
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The data displays the percentage of the United States population that assesses crime as a serious problem from 2000 to 2017, on a nationwide and local scale. The most recent survey was done in October 2017. In 2017, about 59% of the respondents said crime was a serious or extremely serious problem in the U.S., but only 12% felt their area had a serious problem with crime.

2000 60 12
2003 54 11
2004 42 8
2005 49 12
2006 56 12
2007 57 15
2008 51 11
2009 55 12
2010 60 13
2011 54 11
2013 55 13
2014 55 16
2015 59 12
2016 60 14
2017 59 12