U.S.: reported burglary cases 1990-2016

Number of reported burglary cases in the United States from 1990 to 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.143 073 9003 073 9003 157 2003 157 2002 979 9002 979 9002 834 8002 834 8002 712 8002 712 8002 593 8002 593 8002 506 4002 506 4002 461 1002 461 1002 332 7352 332 7352 100 7392 100 73919901991199219931994199519961997199819990200k400k600k800k1 000k1 200k1 400k1 600k1 800k2 000k2 200k2 400k2 600k2 800k3 000k3 200k3 4…3 400k

The data displays the reported number of burglary cases in the U.S. from 1990 to 2016. In 2016, an estimated 1,515,096 cases occurred nationwide.

1990 3073900
1991 3157200
1992 2979900
1993 2834800
1994 2712800
1995 2593800
1996 2506400
1997 2461100
1998 2332735
1999 2100739
2000 2050992
2001 2109767
2002 2151252
2003 2154834
2004 2144446
2005 2155448
2006 2194993
2007 2190198
2008 2228887
2009 2203313
2010 2168459
2011 2185140
2012 2109932
2013 1932139
2014 1713153
2015 1587564
2016 1515096