Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime and punishment around the world | Clearance rate - crime by type in the U.S. 2016

Clearance rate - crime clearance rate by type 2016

Crime clearance rate in the United States in 2016, by type
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1459.459.453.353.345.645.636.536.529.629.620.820.820.420.418.318.313.313.313.113.1Murder and  nonnegligent, manslaughterAggravated assaultViolent  crimeRape (revised definition)RobberyArsonLarceny-theftProperty crimeMotor vehicle theftBurglary05101520253035404550556065

The data displays the crime clearance rate in the U.S. In 2016, 36.5% of all known forcible rape offenses were cleared by arrest or by exceptional means. In 2016, about 111 thousand cases of rape were reported in the U.S.

Murder and  nonnegligent, manslaughter 59.4
Aggravated assault 53.3
Violent  crime 45.6
Rape (revised definition) 36.5
Robbery 29.6
Arson 20.8
Larceny-theft 20.4
Property crime 18.3
Motor vehicle theft 13.3
Burglary 13.1