Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in Canada | Canada: number of property crimes 2017, by type

Canada: number of property crimes in 2017, by type

Number of property crimes in Canada in 2017, by type

The data displays the number of property crimes in Canada in 2017, by type of crime. There were 8,531 reported incidents of arson in Canada in 2017.

Total theft under $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 504557
Total mischief 262038
Total breaking and entering 159336
Fraud 112863
Total theft of motor vehicle 85020
Total possession of stolen property 22994
Total theft over $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 17255
Identity fraud 14275
Arson 8531
Identity theft 3267
Total trafficking in stolen property 875
Altering, removing or destroying Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 78