Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in Italy | Violence against children Italy 2015

Italy: committed and reported crimes against children 2015, by type of crime

Number of committed and reported crimes against underage children in Italy in 2015, by type of crime
Created with Highcharts 5.0.141 4421 442961961607607411411408408301301266266252252148148115115Family abuse, child abuseViolation of family obligationsSexual violenceSexual intercourse with a minorChild abandonmentAggravated sexual assaultAbuse of correction and discipline measuresAbduction of person incapable of consentChild pornographyCorruption of minors01002003004005006007008009001000110012001300140015001600

The data displays the number of committed and reported crimes against underage children in Italy in 2015, by type of crimes. According to the data, in 2015 there were 1,442 cases of family or child abuses, and 961 violations of family obligations.

Family abuse, child abuse 1442
Violation of family obligations 961
Sexual violence 607
Sexual intercourse with a minor 411
Child abandonment 408
Aggravated sexual assault 301
Abuse of correction and discipline measures 266
Abduction of person incapable of consent 252
Child pornography 148
Corruption of minors 115
Child prostitution 90
Possession of pornographic material 66
Voluntary manslaughter 13