Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in Italy | Reported crimes of association Italy by region 2015

Italy: reported crimes of association 2015, by region

Number of reported crimes of association in Italy in 2015, by region
Created with Highcharts 5.0.141941941291291101108585818169696464535352524949CampaniaSicilyLombardyApuliaLazioCalabriaVenetoTrentino-South TyrolPiedmontTuscany0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210

The data displays the number of reported crimes of association in Italy in 2015, broken down by region. According to statistics, in Sicily there were 129 cases of crimes of association (conspiracy, mafia-type criminal association, association for production and traffic of drugs, association for drug dealing) reported in 2015.

Campania 194
Sicily 129
Lombardy 110
Apulia 85
Lazio 81
Calabria 69
Veneto 64
Trentino-South Tyrol 53
Piedmont 52
Tuscany 49
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 36
Emilia-Romagna 32
Marche 26
Abruzzo 21
Liguria 19
Sardinia 19
Basilicata 17
Umbria 14
Molise 11
Aosta Valley 0