Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in London | London: murders quarterly 2014-2018

Number of murders committed in London 2014-2018, by quarter

Number of murders recorded by the London Metropolitan Police from 1st quarter 2014/15 to 4th quarter 2017/18
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1422222121161648482121292930302929181830303232313132322323232345452014/152015/162016/172017/180102030405060

The data displays the total number of murders recorded by the Metropolitan Police in London by quarter, from 2014/15 to 2017/18. The most recent reporting year of 2017/18 also had the highest number of murders, largely due to the 1st quarter and 4th quarter of this year reporting 48 and 45 murders respectively, the two highest quarters in this statistic.

2014/15 22 21 18 32
2015/16 21 29 30 23
2016/17 16 30 32 23
2017/18 48 29 31 45