Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in the UK | Domestic violence in England and Wales 2001-2017

Domestic violence in England and Wales 2001-2017

Number of domestic violence incidents in England and Wales (UK) from 2001/2002 to 2016/2017 (in thousand)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1458858849049043543539139134734739739733833828528528328338338330330339039028028025925925425424624601/0202/0303/0404/0505/0606/0707/0808/0909/1010/1111/1212/1313/1414/1515/1616/170100200300400500600700

The data displays the number of domestic violence incidents in England and Wales from 2001/2002 to 2016/2017. The trend shows a net decline in domestic violence in England and Wales. With 246 reported cases in 2016/2017.

01/02 588
02/03 490
03/04 435
04/05 391
05/06 347
06/07 397
07/08 338
08/09 285
09/10 283
10/11 383
11/12 303
12/13 390
13/14 280
14/15 259
15/16 254
16/17 246