Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Crime in the UK | Rape offences in England and Wales 2002-2018

UK crime: Police recorded rape offences in England and Wales 2002-2018

Police recorded rape offences in England and Wales from 2002/03 to 2017/18
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The data displays the amount of police recorded rape offences in England and Wales from 2002/03 to 2017/18. Between 2002/03 and 2008/09 the number of rape offences fluctuated before beginning a year-on-year increase that continued to 2017/18. In the most recent recording year in this statistic, the number of offences that were recorded amounted to over 53 thousand.

02/03 12295
03/04 13272
04/05 14013
05/06 14443
06/07 13774
07/08 12673
08/09 13096
09/10 15074
10/11 15892
11/12 16038
12/13 16374
13/14 20751
14/15 29300
15/16 35798
16/17 41150
17/18 53977