Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Human trafficking | National human trafficking hotline calls in 2016, by caller type

Number of callers reporting human trafficking in the United States in 2016, by caller type

Number of national human trafficking hotline calls in the United States in 2016, by caller type
Created with Highcharts 5.0.147 6067 6064 6354 6352 7332 7332 1822 1821 4921 4921 4181 4181 1841 184807807805805753753Community memberVictim of traffickingNGO representaiveFamily of trafficking victimVictim of other crimeOtherVictim of labor exploitationFriend of trafficking victimGovernment officialLaw enforcement0500100015002000250030003500400045005000550060006500700075008000

The data displays the number of calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline in the U.S. in 2016, by caller type. In 2016, 662 calls to the national hotline were made by medical professionals.

Community member 7606
Victim of trafficking 4635
NGO representaive 2733
Family of trafficking victim 2182
Victim of other crime 1492
Other 1418
Victim of labor exploitation 1184
Friend of trafficking victim 807
Government official 805
Law enforcement 753
Medical professional 662
Student 509
Not specified 430
Legal professional 350
Mental health professional 263
Educator / school personnel 247
Faith-based representative 233
Trucker 196
Business 174
Press / media 105
Acquaintance of trafficker 103
Buyer of commercial sex 102
Contact from NHTRC database 80
Visa holder 37
Airline / airport personnel 20
Potential trafficker 16
Foreign government official 12
Truck stop employee 7
211/311 operator 4