Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Pirate Attacks | Pirate attacks by ship type 2017

Pirate attacks - ship types 2017

Number of pirate attacks on ships in 2017, by ship type
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1438382323191912121111111188333322Bulk carriersContainer shipsTanker Crude OilGeneral cargoTanker LPGTug / offshore tugSupply ShipTanker LNGDhowSupport Ship02.557.51012.51517.52022.52527.53032.53537.540

The data describes the number of pirate attacks on ships in 2017, with a breakdown by ship type. In that year, approx. 38 attacks on bulk carriers were recorded, down from 52 attacks the previous year.

Bulk carriers 38
Container ships 23
Tanker Crude Oil 19
General cargo 12
Tanker LPG 11
Tug / offshore tug 11
Supply Ship 8
Tanker LNG 3
Dhow 3
Support Ship 2
Research Ship 2
Refrigerated Cargo Ship 2
Tanker Asphalt/Bitumen 1
Cement carrier 1
Trawler/Fishing 1