Racially motivated offences in Scotland 2005-2017

Number of police recorded racially aggravated offences in Scotland from 2005/2006 to 2016/2017

The data displays racially aggravated offences recorded by the police in Scotland from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2017. The peak of such incidents was in 2008/2009 with 4,564 racially motivated offences. Since that date, the figures show a year on year decline to the lowest figure in 2016/2017.

2005/06 4294
2006/07 4474
2007/08 4543
2008/09 4564
2009/10 4513
2010/11 4173
2011/12 3486
2012/13 2903
2013/14 2712
2014/15 2456
2015/16 2132
2016/17 1993