Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Violent crime in the U.S. | USA - percentage of violent crimes reported to the police 2016

USA - percentage of violent crimes reported to the police 2016

Percentage of violent crimes in the United States reported to the police in 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1458.558.5545449.149.147.447.446.946.944.744.742. assaultRobberyDomesticviolence **Domestic violence **Violent crimeinvolving injuryViolent crime involving injury Intimate partnerviolence ***Intimate partner violence ***Stranger violenceAssaultViolent crime*Simple assaultRape/sexualassaultRape/sexual assault 010203040506070

The data displays the percentage of violent crimes in the U.S. reported to the police in 2016. In 2016, about 22.9% of committed rape or sexual assault crimes were reported to the police.

Aggravated assault 58.5
Robbery 54
Domestic violence 49.1
Violent crime involving injury 47.4
Intimate partner violence 46.9
Stranger violence 44.7
Assault 42.2
Violent crime 42.1
Simple assault 37.5
Rape/sexual assault 22.9