Homicide - number of murders by U.S. state in 2016

Total number of murders in the United States in 2016, by state

This graph displays the number of murders in the U.S. by state. Data includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter. In 2016, the number of murders in California amounted to 1,930 victims.

Murder in the U.S. Violent crime statistics, particularly murder and homicide data, provide key insights into law enforcement in the U.S. and inform national debate surrounding crime policies. There were a total of 17,250 reported murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the United States in 2016. Although the number of cases has declined in the past twenty years, when viewed in international comparison, the U.

California 1930
Texas 1459
Illinois3 941
Pennsylvania 655
Georgia 646
New York 628
Ohio 627
Michigan 597
North Carolina 595
Louisiana 543
Missouri 535
Tennessee 486
Virginia 482
Maryland 430
New Jersey 372
South Carolina 363
Indiana 348
Arizona 336
Kentucky 260
Oklahoma 243
Wisconsin 226
Arkansas 209
Nevada 209
Colorado 202
Washington 195
Mississippi 154
District of Columbia 136
Massachusetts 132
Oregon 100
New Mexico 99
Minnesota 99
Kansas 96
West Virginia 76
Connecticut 76
Utah 71
Iowa 71
Delaware 56
Alaska 52
Idaho 47
Nebraska 41
Hawaii 35
Montana 34
Rhode Island 29
South Dakota 21
Maine 20
Wyoming 19
New Hampshire 16
North Dakota 14
Vermont 14
Alabama 3