Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Violent crime in the U.S. | U.S. murder - number of victims by age 2015

Murder in the United States - number of victims by age 2015

Number of murder victims in the United States in 2015, by age
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14168168260260919156562822829969962 4312 4312 0712 0711 6471 6471 2631 263925925781781737737580580360360235235159159279279134134Infant (<1)1 to 45 to 89 to 1213 to 1617 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475+Unknown050010001500200025003000

This graph displays murder victims in the U.S. by age in 2015. In 2015, around 2,431 murder victims were aged between 20 and 24 years.

Infant (<1) 168
1 to 4 260
5 to 8 91
9 to 12 56
13 to 16 282
17 to 19 996
20 to 24 2431
25 to 29 2071
30 to 34 1647
35 to 39 1263
40 to 44 925
45 to 49 781
50 to 54 737
55 to 59 580
60 to 64 360
65 to 69 235
70 to 74 159
75+ 279
Unknown 134