Society » Crime & Law Enforcement » Violent crime in the U.S. | Murder in the U.S. - number of victims by circumstances 2015

Murder in the United States - number of victims by circumstances 2015

Number of murders in the United States by circumstances in 2015
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14184184191911211275751021023636551881882424604604Argument over money or propertyArsonBrawl due to influence of alcoholBrawl due to influence of narcoticsBurglaryChild killed by babysitterGamblingGangland killingsInstitutional killingsJuvenile gang killings050100150200250300350400450500550600650

This graph displays murder victims by felony type or circumstances in the U.S. in 2015. In the same year, total 19 people were killed due to arson.

Argument over money or property 184
Arson 19
Brawl due to influence of alcohol 112
Brawl due to influence of narcotics 75
Burglary 102
Child killed by babysitter 36
Gambling 5
Gangland killings 188
Institutional killings 24
Juvenile gang killings 604
Larceny-theft 16
Motor vehicle theft 41
Narcotic drug laws 468
Other arguments 2941
Other sex offenses 15
Other-not specified 1683
Other-not specified (Felony type) 735
Prostitution and commercialized vice 6
Rape 12
Robbery 595
Romantic triangle 106
Sniper attack 5
Suspected felony type 117
Unknown 5366