The data displays the total number of single parents in the Netherlands from 2007 to 2017, by gender. In 2017, there were approx. 457,000 single mothers in the Netherlands.
2007 | 75865 | 383016 |
2008 | 78090 | 387614 |
2009 | 80847 | 394062 |
2010 | 83863 | 402387 |
2011 | 86072 | 410200 |
2012 | 90264 | 420630 |
2013 | 93574 | 428004 |
2014 | 97591 | 438279 |
2015 | 100443 | 444846 |
2016 | 103469 | 453957 |
2017 | 105288 | 456836 |