Society » Demographics » British demography | UK population by gender 2016

Population of the United Kingdom, by gender 2016

Population of United Kingdom in 2016, by gender

The data displays the population of the UK from the most recent estimates for mid-2016, by gender. In this year, women outnumbered men by roughly 892.7 thousand. According to data regarding the UK population in 2016, by age group there were approx. 4.6 million residents were aged between 50 and 54 years, this was in fact the most populous age group. Regional population numbers in England show that 8.94 million residents lived in the South East of England and according to the population of selected UK cities 1.1 million lived in Birmingham, averaging a population density of 268 people per square kilometer throughout the United Kingdom.

Males 32377674
Females 33270380
Total 65648054