Society » Demographics » Demography | Most populated U.S. cities 2017

Most populated U.S. cities in 2017

Top 25 cities in the U.S. with the highest resident population in 2017 (in thousand)

The data displays the top 25 cities in the U.S. with the highest resident population as of July 1, 2017. There were about 8.6 million people living in New York City as of July 2017.

New York city, New York 8622.7
Los Angeles city, California 3999.8
Chicago city, Illinois 2716.45
Houston city, Texas 2312.72
Phoenix city, Arizona 1626.1
Philadelphia city, Pennsylvania 1580.86
San Antonio city, Texas 1511.95
San Diego city, California 1419.52
Dallas city, Texas 1341.1
San Jose city, California 1035.32
Austin city, Texas 950.72
Jacksonville city, Florida 892.06
San Francisco city, California 884.36
Columbus city, Ohio 879.17
Fort Worth city, Texas 874.17
Indianapolis city (balance), Indiana 863
Charlotte city, North Carolina 859.04
Seattle city, Washington 724.75
Denver city, Colorado 704.62
Washington city, District of Columbia 693.97
Boston city, Massachusetts 685.1
El Paso city, Texas 683.57
Detroit city, Michigan 673.1
Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), Tennessee 667.56
Memphis city, Tennessee 652.24