Consumer Goods » Cleaning » Colgate-Palmolive | Share of U.S. mouthwash sales 2016, by vendor

Percentage of mouthwash sales in the United States 2016, by vendor

Percentage of total mouthwash and dental rinse sales in the United States in 2016, by leading vendors

The data displays the percentage of total mouthwash and dental rinse sales in the U.S. in 2016, by leading vendors. In that year, the Johnson & Johnson vendor captured a share of 44.3% of total dollar sales in the U.S.

Mouthwash and dental health care in the United StatesA chemotherapeutic agent used to enhance oral hygiene, mouthwash and dental rinses kill bacterial plaque that causes cavities, gingivitis, bad breath and tooth decay.Consumers are starting to make the connection that good oral health contributes to good overall health.

Johnson & Johnson 44.3
Procter & Gamble 19.6
Private label 13.8
Chattem Inc. 7.4
Colgate Palmolive Co. 6.4
Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare 3.7
Dr. Harold Katz 1.3
Tom's of Maine 0.4
Dr. Fresh 0.4