Consumer Goods » Cleaning » Household Products | Laundry detergent dollar sales United States by category 2015

U.S. laundry detergent dollar sales 2015, by category

Laundry detergent dollar sales in the United States in 2015, by category (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)
Created with Highcharts and barsPowder salesTotal012345678

The data describes laundry detergent dollar sales in the U.S. in 2015, broken down by category. For the 52 weeks ended November 1, 2015, liquid laundry detergent accounted for the majority of U.S. laundry detergent sales with a 5.1 billion USD result.

Liquids 5.1
Packets and bars 0.96
Powder sales 0.78
Total 6.9