Society » Demographics » Population in China | China: ethnic minority population share by minority area 2016

Share of ethnic minorities in the Chinese population in 2016 by minority area

Share of ethnic minorities in the Chinese population in 2016, by minority area

The data displays the share of ethnic minorities in the Chinese population by region. In 2016, about 85% of the population in minority areas in Hunan belonged to an ethnic minority.

Tibet 90.15
Hunan 84.97
Chongqing 74.41
Xinjiang 65.52
Gansu 60.17
Guizhou 60.12
Yunnan 57.28
Hubei 56.89
Hebei 53.35
Liaoning 53.12
Hainan 51.97
Sichuan 49.47
Guangxi 45.17
China in total 43.9
Guangdong 38.89
Ningxia 37.02
Jilin 34.25
Inner Mongolia 22.08
Heilongjiang 20.58
Zhejiang 11.59
Qinghai 7.72