Society » Demographics » Scotland | Population of Scotland 1993-2017

Scotland: population time series 1993-2017

Population estimates in Scotland from 1993 to 2017

The data displays the population of Scotland from 1993 to 2017. The population decreased between 1995 and 2000, since 2000 the population grew annually. The sharpest increase in annual growth was between 2010 and 2011, where the population grew by 37,000.

'93 5092460
'94 5102210
'95 5103690
'96 5092190
'97 5083340
'98 5077070
'99 5071950
'00 5062940
'01 5064200
'02 5066000
'03 5068500
'04 5084300
'05 5110200
'06 5133100
'07 5170000
'08 5202900
'09 5231900
'10 5262200
'11 5299900
'12 5313600
'13 5327700
'14 5347600
'15 5373000
'16 5404700
'17 5424800