Society » Demographics » Scotland | Public sector expenditure in Scotland as percentage of UK expenditure

Scotland's expenditure as a share of UK public sector expenditure 2007/08 -2016/17

Scottish public sector expenditure as a share of all expenditure in the United Kingdom from 2008/2009 to 2016/2017

The data displays Scotland's public sector expenditure as a share of the United Kingdom's total public sector expenditure from 2007/2008 to 2016/2017. Scotland's relative share decreased by 0.4% over the given time period.

2007/2008 9.6
2008/2009 9.3
2009/2010 9.2
2010/2011 9.2
2011/2012 9.3
2012/2013 9.3
2013/2014 9.2
2014/2015 9.1
2015/2016 9.2
2016/2017 9.2