Society » Economy » Charities in the UK | Participation in voluntary activities England 2018

Participation in voluntary activities in England 2013-2018

Share of the population who participate in voluntary activities in England from 2013/14 to 2017/18, by frequency

The data displays the share of respondents in England that reported participating in voluntary activities from 2013/14 to 2017/18, by frequency. Volunteering was defined in two ways - 'formal' and 'informal', the former being when a person gives unpaid help to groups, clubs or organizations and the latter being when this help is given to people (who are not relatives). In the most recent survey, 64% of respondents advised that they had volunteered at least once the last year.

2013/14 44 70
2014/15 41 65
2015/16 39 65
2016/17 39 63
2017/18 38 64