Society » Economy » Charities in the UK | Reasons to use emergency foodbanks 2018

Foodbanks: why users needed emergency food United Kingdom 2018

Primary reason why Trussell Trust foodbank users needed emergency support in the United Kingdom in 2017/18

The data displays the primary reason that people turned to foodbanks for emergency assistance in the UK in 2017/18. The main reason for referral to a foodbank in this fiscal year was due to low income with 28.49% of users giving this reason.

Low income 28.49
Benefit delays 23.74
Benefit changes 17.73
Debt 8.53
Other 7.57
Homelessness 5.01
Sickness/ill health 2.86
No recourse to public funds 2.69
Domestic abuse 1.41
Delayed wages 0.81
Child holiday meals 0.76
Refused short-term benefit advances 0.4
Refused crisis loan 0.2