Society » Economy » Digital economy in Europe | UK: Intended percentage increase in jobs from digital technology 2015

Intended percentage increase in jobs due to digital technology in the United Kingdom 2015

Intended percentage increase in jobs to take advantage of digital technology in the next two years in the United Kingdom from 2015 to 2017, by region

This survey from the UK in 2015 displays the intended percentage of new job creation over the next two years as a result of digital technologies . London is the region which projects the highest percentage growth in new jobs from digital technology, projected for 4%.

London 4
Northern Island 3.9
South West 3.9
South East 3.9
North East 3.6
East 3.6
West Midlands 3.6
Scotland 3.6
Yorkshire and Humber 3.4
East Midlands 3.4
North West 3.4
Wales 3.3