Society » Economy » Employment in Europe | Home workers 2014 by region

Home workers: by region in the UK 2014

Share of people in employment who work from home in the United Kingdom from January to March 2014, by country/region

The data displays, the share of people in employment who work from home in the UK from January to March 2014, by country/region. There is a geographic trend that those living in northern Britain are less likely to work from home than those living in the South of the UK. The only exception to this rule is arguably the Square Mile, London. London is a highly urbanised area and as such will be misrepresentative of the surrounding agricultural sector, the agriculture sector, of course, being a major contributor to home worker figures.

South West 17.1
South East 16.4
East of England 15.2
Wales 14
London 13.6
East Midlands 13
West Midlands 12.8
North West 12.1
Yorkshire and the Humber 11.5
North East 11.1
Scotland 10.7