Society » Economy » English and social integration in the United Kingdom | Funding for adult English classes as a percentage of Adult Skills Budget England 2008-2013

Adult English classes: percentage of Adult Skills Budget in England 2008/09-2012/13

Funding estimates for English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) in England as a percentage of the total Adult Skills Budget from 2008/09 to 2012/13

The data displays the funding estimates for ESOL courses in England from the fiscal year 208/09 to 2012/13, according to a Freedom of Information Request completed by the Skills Funding Agency, as a percentage of the total Adult Skills Budget. In the fiscal year 2008/09, ESOL funding made up nearly 8% of the total Adult Skills Budget, whereas this had decreased to less than 5% in 2012/13. The Adult Skills Budget also decreased by more than £150 million during this time period.

2008/09 7.62
2009/10 7.47
2010/11 6.89
2011/12 4.83
2012/13 4.88