Society » Economy » Nonprofit organizations in the U.S. | Charitable contributions to nonprofit funding in the U.S. 2014

Charitable contributions to nonprofit funding in the United States 2014, by type

Charitable contributions to nonprofit funding in the U.S. in 2014, by type of recipient organizations

The data shows charitable contributions to nonprofit funding in the U.S., by type of recipient organizations in 2014. In 2013, almost 5% of all charitable contributions went to recipient organizations in arts, culture, and humanities.

Religion-related 32
Education 15.2
Human services 11.7
Gifts to foundation 11.6
Health 8.5
Public and societal benefit 7.3
Arts, culture, and humanities 4.8
International and foreign affairs 4.2
Environment and animals 2.9
Gifts to individuals/unallocated/other 1.8