Consumer Goods » Clothing » Adidas | Clothing/accessories brands in the U.S. 2017

Popular brands for clothing, shoes and accessories in the United States 2017

Which of these brands do you usually buy when it comes to clothing, shoes and accessories?

The displayed data on popular clothing/accessories brands shows results of the conducted in the Unites States in 2017. Some 42% of respondents stated that they usually buy Adidas when it comes to clothing, shoes and accessories.

Nike 52
Levi's 44
Adidas 42
Calvin Klein 35
Converse 29
Under Armour 27
Tommy Hilfiger 27
Ralph Lauren 24
H&M 23
Zara 22
Lacoste 20
Diesel 17
Mango 7
Other 29
None of the above 11