Society » Economy » Wage inequality in the United States | Private industry wages per employee in the U.S. 2017, by state

Private industry wages per employee in the United States 2017, by state

Annual private industry wages per employee in the United States in 2017, by state (in USD)

The data displays annual private industry wages per employee in the U.S. in 2017, by state. In 2017, the average wage in private industry in Alabama was at 45,067 USD. Employees in the District of Columbia topped the ranking with 85,576 USD.

District of Columbia 85576
New York 71852
Massachusetts 70672
Connecticut 67278
California 65492
New Jersey 63677
Washington 62274
Illinois 58420
Colorado 57294
Maryland 57205
Minnesota 56658
Texas 56591
Virginia 55985
New Hampshire 55842
Delaware 55775
United States 55331
Pennsylvania 53674
Georgia 52851
Alaska 52349
Michigan 52308
Rhode Island 50911
North Dakota 50816
Oregon 50502
Arizona 49752
Tennessee 49003
North Carolina 48987
Ohio 48572
Missouri 47810
Florida 47767
Wisconsin 47212
Hawaii 47045
Nevada 46984
Louisiana 46810
Utah 46635
Indiana 46422
Kansas 45849
Iowa 45526
Wyoming 45276
Oklahoma 45169
Vermont 45146
Alabama 45067
Kentucky 44997
Nebraska 44395
South Carolina 43638
Maine 43456
West Virginia 42807
Arkansas 42703
South Dakota 42343
New Mexico 42061
Idaho 41304
Montana 40888
Mississippi 37932