Society » Education & Science » Academic libraries in the United States | Necessity of academic library services U.S./Canada 2015

Faculty/librarian opinion on necessity of academic library services U.S./Canada 2015

Faculty and librarian opinion on how essential various library services are for students and faculty, as of 2015

The data displays the opinion of faculty and librarians on how essential academic library services are for student and faculty in the U.S. and Canada in 2015. In 2015, 97% of librarian respondents thought the instruction of students in information literacy was either essential or very essential.

Instruction of students in information literacy 97 84
Support faculty research 79 84
Develop discipline-wide collections 91 77
Aid and educate students one-on-one in conducting research 96 75
Develop collections in direct support of course curriculums 97 73
Manage course reserves 80 72
Coordinate research data services 49 64
Add faculty articles to digital repository 50 61
Text and data mining 33 55
Parcel course materials from seperate texts 21 36
Manage research grants 14 27