Society » Education & Science » Animal testing in Europe | Animals used for scientific experiments EU 27 2011

Animals used for scientific research in the European Union 27 2011, by animal class

Number of animals used for scientific research in the European Union 27 countries in 2011, by class of animal

The data shows the number of animals used in scientific research in the European Union in 2011, by class of animal. In this year almost seven million mice were used in scientific research in the EU27.

Mice 6999312
Rats 1602969
Fish 1397462
Other birds 669451
Rabbits 358213
Guinea pigs 171584
Pigs 77280
Cattle 30914
Amphibians 29583
Sheep 28892
Other rodents 28465
Hamsters 25251
Dogs 17896
Other mammals 7888
Horses, donkey and crossbreds 6686
Quail 5614
Old world monkeys 5312
Other carnivores 4982
Reptiles 3824
Cats 3713
Goats 2907
Ferrets 2540
New world monkeys 700
Prosimians 83