Society » Education & Science » College choice in the United States | Communication method usage for marketing/recruitment at 4-year public U.S. colleges 2015

Communication method usage for marketing/recruitment at 4-year public U.S. colleges

Share of usage of communication methods for marketing and recruitment at four-year public higher education institutions in the U.S. in 2015

The data displays the share of communication methods used by public four-year colleges and universities for marketing and recruitment in the U.S. in 2015. In 2015, 31.3% of public four-year colleges and universities used text messaging to market to and recruit students.

Publications in general (viewbook, search piece, etc.) 100
Email communication 97.9
Recruiting page(s) on website 95.8
Calling home phones 95.8
Social media sites like Facebooks or Twitter 89.6
Videos embedded in campus website 87.5
Calling cell phones 85.4
Website optimized for mobile browsers 83.3
Text messaging 31.3
Video calls using Skype or similar service 31.3