Society » Education & Science » College choice in the United States | Social media usage frequency by students researching college U.S. 2016

Social media usage frequency by students researching college in the United States in 2016

Distribution of social media usage frequency by high school students when researching colleges in the United States in 2016

The data displays the distribution of social media usage frequency for searching for colleges by high school students researching colleges in the U.S. in 2016. In 2016, 16% of respondents said they used Instagram multiple times a day while researching colleges.

Instagram 16 12 15 7 17
Youtube 14 10 15 8 21
Facebook 12 10 14 7 20
Snapchat 12 8 6 3 13
Twitter 8 8 11 5 14
Pinterest 3 3 4 4 11