Consumer Goods » Clothing » Apparel and footwear markets in Russia | Russia: monthly per capita spend on apparel and footwear 2016

Monthly household expenditure per capita on apparel and footwear in Russia 2001-2016

Average monthly household expenditure per capita on apparel and footwear in Russia from 2001 to 2016 (in Russian roubles)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14226.1226.1452.9452.91 094.91 094.91 306.51 306.51 300.11 300.11 3521 3521 471.51 471.5200120052010201320142015201602505007501000125015001750

The data describes the average monthly household expenditure per capita on apparel and footwear in Russia from 2001 to 2016. In 2016 consumers in Russia spent an average of around 1,472 Russian roubles on apparel and footwear each month.

2001 226.1
2005 452.9
2010 1094.9
2013 1306.5
2014 1300.1
2015 1352
2016 1471.5