Society » Education & Science » Electronic resources at academic libraries in the United States | Electronic journal share of overall academic library serials budgets in North America 2007-2016

Electronic journal share of overall academic library serials budgets in North America

Share of academic library serials budgets spent on electronic serials in North America from 2007 to 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1435354444626264647373757579797474787881812007200820092010201120122013201420152016020406080100

The data displays the share of total academic libraries serials budgets which were spent on electronic serials in North America from 2007 to 2016. In 2016, academic libraries in North America spent 81% of their overall serials budgets on electronic serials.

2007 35
2008 44
2009 62
2010 64
2011 73
2012 75
2013 79
2014 74
2015 78
2016 81