Society » Education & Science » Higher education graduation in the U.S. | Doctor's degree recipients in the U.S. 1870-2028

Number of doctoral and first professional degree recipients in the United States 1870-2028

Number of doctoral and first professional degree recipients in the United States from 1869/70 to 2026/28

The data displays the number of doctoral and first professional degree recipients in the U.S. from academic year 1869/70 to 2015/16 with forecast up to 2027/28. In academic year 2015/16 about 177,876 students were awarded their doctor's degrees in the United States

2027-28 191000
2026-27 190000
2025-26 189000
2024-25 188000
2023-24 188000
2022-23 187000
2021-22 186000
2020-21 184000
2019-20 183000
2018-19 182000
2017-18 181000
2016-17 180000
2015-16 177867
2014-15 178548
2013-14 177587
2012-13 175026
2011-12 170217
2010-11 163827
2009-10 158590
2008-09 154564
2007-08 149378
2006-07 144690
2005-06 138056
2004-05 134387
2003-04 126087
2002-03 121579
2001-02 119663
2000-01 119585
1999-00 118736
1989-90 103508
1979-80 95631
1969-70 59486
1959-60 9829
1949-50 6420
1939-40 3290
1929-30 2299
1919-20 615
1909-10 443
1899-00 382
1889-90 149
1879-80 54
1869-70 1